Monday, July 5, 2010

Faith in Words and in Action

I do not think faith is something that God tests us with. I do not imagine that God is sitting up in Heaven with a scorecard on every human being. We either choose to live in faith or we don’t. But like everything else, it is always our choice.

There is this…if we truly have faith that God/Universe/Spirit will provide for us now and always then we should have nothing to fear. I have come to believe that it is not enough to just say I am faithful but it is also vital to act in a faithful way. Isn’t it stated that actions speak louder than words? Or, I am not what I choose to say, I am what I choose to do.

Anyone can say they are faith filled but it is even greater when someone lives what they speak.
I was staying in a career that made me so miserable but hung onto it because I was waiting for God to create another opportunity to appear before I left because I did not believe I would be okay. That was not acting in faith. Faith is not putting requirements on faith or demanding that God prove Himself by asking Him to do something my way. If I only believe after I receive, then that is not faithful.

All of my actions only supported the act of staying in a career I despised. My actions not only contradicted what I felt in my heart, they were not aligned with the new life I wished to create. God may have had something greater in store for me but was waiting for me to act first. God could not call up all my clients for me and tell them I was closing up; that was my job. In hindsight, God was sending me signs to go ahead and close up but I was not paying attention to them. He was nudging me to act but because I was not in a state of awareness I only saw what I wanted to see which was nothing.

If I really believe God will guide and help me in my life then He will. My role is to be patient, be aware, and act when guided to do so. It’s not about making things happen but letting them happen. I trust that everything I need will come to me exactly when I need it. I live my life being grateful in the present and know that the future will unfold exactly as it is meant to. Living in faith is not always easy but it is possible. In my mind, I have set up a scenario to remind me to let go and let God. I picture myself behind the steering wheel of a sailboat and I am standing there knowing where I want to go but not knowing the best way to get there. I think “hands off” and trust that God will take care of the ‘hows’ by letting the wind guide me through the best route. When I am close to my destination, I know it is safe to grasp the wheel and bring her in. While living in faith, I always work together with God and His angels.

I sense most people are too scared to leap so they stay in a place of false security never really soaring as they were meant to; fear has restrained them. All I can say is that I took that leap of faith back in January and nothing bad has happened to me. I am still here and of course will always believe.

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“Like the body, the soul must also be nourished daily.”

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