Sunday, October 10, 2010

You Matter to Someone

There are those days where monotony has appeared to become the headliner in one’s life. She or he thinks what am I doing this for and does it even matter to anyone. It seems like nothing is important. Instead of feeling productive it feels like you have been beating your head up against the wall making no progress while only hurting yourself.

You want to stay positive but feel your strength waning. Despair tries to make its way to the surface but you fight not to give in to defeat. Having heard that staying faithful will bring miraculous results faster, you are intent on remaining strong. However, the obstacles have become overbearing and waiting for the tide to turn in your favor has left you feeling exhausted.

How do you continue to believe that you or what you do matters?

  • Know that you are not alone - Share your experience with others and find others who are going through similar tribulations.
  • Lean on a friend – Friendships serve not only to share good experiences but also are there to support you when in need. Listening and feeling understood by someone else validates our feelings and helps us refocus in a new perspective and begin again.
  • Journal or Blog – Writing is therapeutic. Sometimes we hold onto ideas or thoughts that need to be released but we are too scared to share them with others. Writing can be a private way to examine yourself and let go of things that may be bothering you.
  • Help someone else – The best way to get out of a negative mindset is to serve someone else. Volunteering for a worthy cause and spending time with others whose situation are direr than your own will give you another view on your current situation.
  • Partake in a random act of kindness – Because you never know what someone else is struggling with, a smile or a compliment from you may be the only highlight of their day. And the ripple effects of a simple act of kindness will spread farther than you will ever know.
Because you are here, you do matter. If everything happens for a reason, then know that your presence is intended. When you feel that you cannot go on any longer, realize that someone somewhere needs you, your time, and your knowledge. In the moment you may not be aware of this but trust that your purpose reveals itself to you every day little by little. Remain patient and continue to believe.

“As long as you are breathing, you are in an opportune position.”

Thank you for reading! If you have a story/message that you would like to share and it fits into the topics on Always Believe, please email us. Guest Writers are always welcome!

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“Like the body, the soul must also be nourished daily.”


  1. Good Advice, I really enjoyed the suggestions :)

  2. So well written. I love the very practical advice.
    Came by from SITS to say hi.

  3. Hi Debbie, my fellow SITS Sister. =-) Thanks for stopping by. We aim to give advice or suggestions that are purposeful and easy to understand and apply. Thank you for reading the post.
